New Vicar installed!

Fergus Butler-Gallie was installed as the new Vicar of Charlbury with Shorthampton on Wednesday, 17 January, in a joyful service attended by his family, friends, former parishioners and the people of this parish. The Bishop thanked the church wardens and the ministry team for covering ministry and services for the last 18 months of the vacancy. He offered special thanks to the Revd Jan Fielden who has carried much of the responsibility for ministry during this time and is due to retire at the end of this month. We continue to pray for Fergus as he begins his ministry among us, and for our church wardens and PCC as we go forward together.

Fergus is thirty-one and grew up all over the country but with a family home by the Romney Marsh in Kent. His interests include writing (he has authored three books and numerous pieces for national newspapers), humour, eating, drinking, socialising, sport (he has coached cricket and rugby), and above all else, people.  He has served in churches in Liverpool and Central London as well as in chaplaincy at a school in Kent.