Charlbury Paris Olympics – Holiday Club Photos

The theme of this year’s Holiday Club was The Charlbury Paris Olympics. We had five groups of ten children, with each group representing one of the Olympic rings. The rings, in turn, represent the five populated continents of the world. The Olympics were to promote – Liberty, Equality and Friendship and intended to bring all the world together.

The children heard a bible story each day which had a sport within it – archery from Samuel, rowing from Luke, sprinting from Jonah and climbing from Mark.

A variety of activities were enjoyed, including singing, music making, crafts of all kinds and games. Every day we were entertained by a funny drama too.

Thanks to the support of lovely kind adults, young helpers and the Churches Together in Charlbury, and above all the children, our Holiday Club was a very  happy event.

Rachel Gallagher

Photos by Paddy Gallagher