Author: Judy French
Change of service time – 9.45am Sunday Service is now 10am
From Sunday 1st September 2024 the time of the principal Sunday service has changed from 9.45am to the new regular time of 10am.
Font Café reopens on Thursday 5th September
Font Café will reopen on Thursday 5th September. You can find more information about Font Café here.
Huge thanks to our dedicated teams who provide the coffee and the cakes every week through the rest of the year. They’ve earned their summer break!
If you’d like to offer to help with making the coffee/tea, providing cakes, or setting up/clearing away, please contact us. We would love to hear from you. Thanks!
Join us for our Patronal Service and Lunch – 8 Sept
Patronal Lunch 8th September
To celebrate the feast of St Mary the Virgin and our church’s official ‘birthday’ we will be having a special service at 10.30am on Sunday 8th September followed by drinks and a buffet lunch.
We would like to invite the whole community to come and celebrate with us and to thank you for your support for our role in the town.
Please RSVP to by 2nd September so we have an idea for catering numbers.
Rev Fergus Butler-Gallie
Charlbury Community Breakfast and Blessing of School Bags – Sunday 1st September
Join us for the first Charlbury Community Breakfast on Sunday 1st September 9am in St Mary’s. Everyone welcome. This will be followed by a service at 10am.
Calling all children and young people – School Bag blessing
Sunday 1st September 10am. Come along to the 10am service for a back to school blessing. Bring your bags and pencil cases!
Charlbury Paris Olympics – Holiday Club Photos
The theme of this year’s Holiday Club was The Charlbury Paris Olympics. We had five groups of ten children, with each group representing one of the Olympic rings. The rings, in turn, represent the five populated continents of the world. The Olympics were to promote – Liberty, Equality and Friendship and intended to bring all the world together.
The children heard a bible story each day which had a sport within it – archery from Samuel, rowing from Luke, sprinting from Jonah and climbing from Mark.
A variety of activities were enjoyed, including singing, music making, crafts of all kinds and games. Every day we were entertained by a funny drama too.
Thanks to the support of lovely kind adults, young helpers and the Churches Together in Charlbury, and above all the children, our Holiday Club was a very happy event.
Rachel Gallagher
Photos by Paddy Gallagher
Choral Evensong at Shorthampton 11th August 6pm
A selection of choir members from St Mary’s will sing Choral Evensong on Sunday 11th August at 6pm in All Saints Church Shorthampton. All welcome.
Showing of film ‘Beating the Bounds’ – 28 July
Tragedy, Bravery and Mystery: Beating the Bounds 1924
This is a tale of tragedy, since three children drowned in the Evenlode. Of bravery, since heroic efforts at rescue led to the award of two medals for gallantry. And mystery – since it is difficult to understand why the final group of boundary walkers took the punt upstream from where others had crossed safely, and with such catastrophic consequences. Using eye-witness accounts, testimony at the inquest, and contemporary photographs, Rob Stepney pieced together the events of that fateful day.
The film will be shown in St Mary’s Church Charlbury at 11.30am on Sunday 28th July.
Wilderness Ticket Auction
Once again Wilderness is supporting St Mary’s Church, and have kindly donated two lots of 2 adult general camping tickets, worth £556 per pair, which are auctioning during the first two weeks of July to raise funds for St Mary’s and its community initiatives.
Details here. You can place your bids by emailing
Bidding ends at 12noon on Friday 12th July. Thank you for your support.
St Mary’s Church gratefully acknowledges the support of The 2024 Wilderness Festival.
New Chasuble for Church
A new chasuble for the ‘Green’ Trinity season of the Church’s liturgical year was presented on Sunday 30th June to our Vicar Fergus. It was given by Leah Fowler in memory of Derek, who died in March 2021. Derek gave much of his time to the church, not least being a bell ringer and choir member for many years, as well as verger. We remember his service and friendship with love and thanksgiving.