You may have noticed that the church clock has stopped; this is because the power supply to the tower had tripped out. We tried to reset it but it tripped out again, probably due to wet or cold. We are now getting an electrician to check out the circuit. So until this is fixed we must apologise for the loss of this useful facility.
Author: Mike Summers
Carol Service Recording
We must appologise for the lack of a recording of the Carol service. For some reason the machine failed to start recording and so we have nothing to edit for your delight – Sorry
New Year Ringing
Once again your local ringers rang out the old year and rang in the new at midnight on Dec 31st. We’ve no idea if anyone listens, but here we enjoy a refreshing mulled wine afterwards.
Safeguarding Update
We take safeguarding very seriously at St Mary’s and have just appointed a new Safeguarding Officer, She is Louise Whitead and her contact details can be found elsewhere on this website. She recently spoke about her role during the Family Commuion service and you can listento it by following this link.
Choir Festival – Abingdon
On Saturday (Sept 30th) some members of the choir joined others for a choral evensong at St Helens church Abingdon. The event was the annual RCSM festival where choirs from all over the Diocese came together to celebrate evensong. We had been practicing for weeks to join a choir of over 100 which was coached and conducted by Mark WIlliams. Highlights included a Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Herbert Murrill, (a bit of a challenge) and finishing with a spirited rendition of The Heavens are telling by Joseph Haydn.
The Common Cup
There is a lot of discussion at the moment about returning to the “Common Cup” – meaning sharing the communion wine from the same cup, rather than having the wafer dipped. There was a sermon on this by Judy French which can be found on this site as a recording in Services / Sermons and a script here.
Choral Evensong
The Passion Sunday Choral Evensong recording is now available in Past Recordings – here
Churches Together Service
This Sunday (Jan 22nd) saw a United Service at St Mary’s to mark the week of prayer for Christian Unity. It was an inspiring service which can be listened to in Past Recordings here rather than Latest Service. The reason for the stones will be revealed if you listen to the service.
Sally’s last Service
Sally has conducted her last service at St Mary’s – a recording can be found in Services (Here)
We are all sorry to see her go, but there is work to be done in Christ Church which calls her away. We have been very lucky to have had her leadership for the last 7 years and wish her well in her new role.